Yes, we are destined, according to those that know, to be a majority in this nation in a bit over four decades.
Now a whooping 15% of the general US population, experts predict and the press highlights recently that Latinos, Hispanos and other Americanos will be all over and in greater numbers.
"Among the changes expected are that by 2050, the number of Latinos in the country is expected to double to account for nearly one in three U.S. residents," writes Tony Castro of www.redorbit.com.
That's a big freaking herd of people!!!!!
According to the information published in several media outlets last week, the Latino population is projected to nearly triple. The data establishes that from 46.7 million today the Latino population will rise to 132.8 million, going from 15 percent to a quite outstanding 30 percent of the U.S. population.
And you know what?
The clock is ticking!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is time for the Latinos to get down and dirty, manos a la obra, and start grooming carefully that new generation destined to take the reigns of this great land of ours. We need leaders. REAL LEADERS, darn it!
We need responsible leaders sworn to protect THE people, the land, the nation. Leaders capable of sparking and promoting real change, and with the ability to steer the nation towards peace, prosperity, general well being and all that pretty crap every political candidate promises so vehemently, and always fails to deliver (given the current turn of events).
I know is a lot to ask.
What we don't need is the all-too-common arm flaying, loud voiced, slick opportunist that pops up every time a poor wretch gets beat down to a pulp by the cops or any similar situation of blatant injustice.
Pointing fingers, lamenting the infamies of the past and the insistence of always trying to find who to blame, instead of procuring the solutions, do not put into perspective the prospects of real, long lasting, positive change. It only stalls evolution in a puddle of controversy and mud slinging, quite amusing on a half hour transmission of Entertainment Tonight, not so when we realize that our future is oftentimes decided by these headline-seeking bozzos.
So, what the heck are you all waiting for?
Lets shape a nation, educate correctly our people and not just allow for the Latinos, Hispanos and other Americanos to lazily grow into a big headless herd.
Lets get ready! The clock is ticking, yet there is still time.
Bounce that one around yourselves and get back to me. I would like to know what you all think.
Will keep you posted.
1 comment:
You hit the nail right on the head!!!!!!!... We need two very important things in order to really make a difference and those are, Education and some real Latino Leaders.... who wants to apply for this job???
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