The original Star Trek Khan. Signed by the Star, a treasure indeed!!!!
Last Wednesday, Ricardo Montalbán, an undeniable all-time film and television star, passed away in his home in California at the age of 88.
Recognized and honored all over the world, it is still sad to witness as the curtain falls once more. Another figure representative of a distant and glorious era of the big screen sadly departs.
I did not get to meet Don Ricardo Montalbán in the flesh, but I was allowed the honor of getting a taste of his sensibilities, enjoy the virtue of his graces and the blessings of his generosity.
When, over 25 years ago, my writing partner and associate, Rafael J. Rivera-Viruet, started to put together our book “Hollywood… Se Habla Español,” Don Ricardo Montalbán embraced the project enthusiastically.
Not more than a year ago, moved by the images and the stories detailed in our humble literary endeavor, the actor called the book “a deserving homage to the Latino figure...” on his candid, yet enlightening preface.
“To have all those memories, all those faces, friends, colleagues and associates, all this beautiful and big Latino family gathered in one place, and ready to be cherished now and forever,” he wrote, a definite joy for the star after such a long and illustrious career in Hollywood.
The pride of calling him a collaborator stays with me, and in the case of my co-author, the pleasure of enjoying his close friendship for so many years.
This past year I visited L.A., in the midst of a film project, and tried to visit with the idolized star (Khan Noonien Singh has been a favorite of mine since childhood), he was already too sick to visit with a nosy writer. Instead, he let me keep a copy of an autographed photo he generously provided for our publication with the promise of its return.
I will treasure that gift all my life, not for what it is, but for what it means to me: a fleeting moment in my life when I was definitely touched by greatness.
Today the man, the star, the artist is no longer among us. Words are not enough to describe our sadness.
But, immortalized by the magic of the moving image, he remains as alive and present as he always has been: elegant, cool, collected, shining among the shiniest of stars and still the “Latin Lover.”
Through his films and TV appearances we honor his life, celebrate his achievements and cherish his memory.
Don Ricardo, we remember and thank you, for everything.
1 comment:
MAx,you are doing a great job! your articulo about Sr. Montalban is the best nunca escrito before! Dios lo bendiga,your friend in ny,Ernesto Ruiz.(Poeta)
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