Paris For President!
I think is just about time we get going with the latest news.
Election day is drawing nigh. Still, there is something amiss.
Where is the serious discussion about the real issues? Say, work, education, health care, the important stuff. How about immigration, the economy, war?
Not fine, thank you.
The political campaign up to now has been nothing but an exercise in banality, the highlighting of the purely superficial and puerile.
Fueled by the mainstream media’s insistence on headlining the oops, icks and uffs, the fool, the bad and the ugly, the stupid comments and tart rebuttals, the whole scenario draws the dark profile of the “dumbing down of America” conspiracy theory.
The media seems to avoid any serious, down to earth approach to what should be the core of any campaign: how the candidates plan to lead a nation and it’s people towards prosperity and all the other perks of well-being and civilized living.
Political analysts, with their uninterrupted yadda, yadda, say a lot and overflow with wisdom, but don’t solve any of the problems and I always look with suspicion at the choreographed moves of the baby-kissing, shoulder-patting, hand-shaking-and-waving slick political creature.
So, what is there left for john-six-pack or poor juan-del-pueblo to do?
How to sift through the political blabber, the inflammatory, empty rhetoric of the candidate’s speech, so full of passion, so devoid of content?
This is not a personality contest or a beauty pageant. Is a presidential election, for Christ sake!
It’s about time we strongly demand from the media what we are entitled to: a serious coverage of the issues and all the proposed solutions. I’m sure they are there, hidden somewhere beneath the glittery veil of the moronic arguments about age and experience, the race thang, the turbans, flower dresses, hair do’s or pant suits, the funky fist-knocking and all the other amusing trash that we are fed everyday.
I say, bring here the discussion, a serious, real one that would allow for an educated trip to the polls.
Lets talk, seriously…
I am with you 100%. That is a lame political strategy by the Republicans.
Obama, Obama, Obama...
I am with you 100%. That is a lame political strategy by the republicans.
Obama Obama Obama...
That was me melvin
Obama is GOD
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