Tuesday, August 26, 2008

No lesser evil possible - Part One: Lets talk Obama...


Lets revisit the political arena.

Lets look at things with unblinking eyes and open minds.

Lets talk Obama!

A remarkable career, the stuff American dreams are made of.

Black, raised by a single mother, poor and hard working, and on the verge of attaining the highest office in the nation, to become the undisputed leader of the FREE WORLD...

Such an inspirational story, beautifully American, wholesome.

Yes, America, out of nowhere comes Obama, catapulted to instant celebrity status (the darling creature of the reality-TV phenomenon) thanks to the booty-shaking virtues of the Obama Girl and her catchy tune, a youtube favorite.

All of the sudden, America hungers for the cool demeanor of the young senator and his darling wife, sparking impossible comparisons to the mythical Camelot of yesteryear.

But wait just a gosh darn minute!

Black, poor, just arrived in the political arena yesterday evening, and now he is running for President?!

Not only that, check out that bunch of dinero hurled his way, paving a rosy road for our fine new candidate, a healthy campaign trail all the way.

He jumps in private jets, his soulfully foreign-sounding name emblazoned to the sides , and chills out with other world leaders as if he was already a head of state.

How awesome, but....

...there is a big BUT that makes me suspicious of all this Obama broo-haha.

First, there is the dinero... Where does it come from? Hey, we all know that people don't just go around giving money away by the handful, unless there is the hope of a future payback. Find out who's money it is and you will know whose agenda Barack is going to follow once he is elected. And believe me, is not going to be the Joe-Six-Pack or Juan-Del Pueblo's agenda... That's for sure.

Lets move on...

When his pastor for many years, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, stood in front of his congregation and preached truth in the loud, abrasive and scathing way all preachers inspired by the Spirit of God do (which does not diminishes the truth contained within the yelled speech) and then he was attacked and shamelessly quoted out of context by the media, what does Barack Obama do?

Instead of showing a manly nerve, promote real CHANGE and take a strong stance in favor of his spiritual mentor, he does the oh-so-convenient little sidestep and plays the political game.

He preaches CHANGE, he fills his mouth with those six capital letters as if he was bringing down a slab of rock engraved by God itself, yet is willing to mow everything in his way with the metaphors of misinformation and covert, he is willing to fail to serve the truth in order to retain his political edge.

That turns Obama into what every politician is: a professional liar, a master of the rhetoric of convenience, the tired beauty of the political slogans, those jewels of poetry and deceit.

Barack Obama is a product, casing, label and promotional package all neatly wrapped in one.

Sorry you, my dear in law, Melvin, Obama's humble subject.

His words are carefully studied, programed, scientifically designed to please, to convince, to obtain results.

He preaches CHANGE, yet indulges in the political game of winning-is-the-ultimate-goal, the Machiavellian theory that the end justifies the means. He threads thru the dark alleyways of the precise strategies, hidden agendas and formulaic behavior, the land of the PR masters, political strategists, marketing gurus and spin doctors (not tha DJ-ing kind either).

It is funny, but just today in Extra!, a celebrity-based TV magazine, the narrator refers to females voters as fans, expected to react more promptly and base their decision swayed by features showing the candidates and their respective spouses fashion sense. Girls, you are not smart enough to make your decision taking into account a real, sensible and attainable social agenda or any other sensible political goal, sorry girls... Not on this watch.

We are left to decide between two evils. (McCain is no better, will blog about that soon.)

Damn... I feel like in that episode of "South Park" were the foul-mouthed eight-year-olds are urged to decide between a douche bag and a turd sandwich as their school mascot: without the possibility of a lesser evil.

What do you all think? Get back to me with your thoughts.

Will keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Dear Latino to the max,

One thing that you missed!!
All Presidential candidates are
packages that are brought to us by the powers that be from both political parties!

The question is: Will we better off?

Max Resto said...

¡Elemental, mi querido Watson!

You got it, my dear anonymous... My point, exactly.

Now, what is YOUR answer?

Please, oblige...

Anonymous said...

Hey I will reply to this after my 10 hrs of slavery. One thing Obama is the only favorable choice and you know that! All of them have agendas but his agenda is somewhat like mine. This country needs to span on research, alternative energy and end the war. Obama is the only one who is at least taking that into consideration. Talk to you later.

PD: I am your "sister subject" not Obama's. But I am damm proud of Barack my homeslice !!!!!.

PPD: you need to send this to Javier so we can have a family rumble

Love Melvin

Unknown said...


En el campo de la política siempre se cosechan las mismas viandas. En USA y en cualquier parte del mundo la política y los políticos son lo mismo. Tu panfleto "anti Obama" suena vacío si no tratas el tema con mas profundidad y balance. Aun si me sugirieras la anarquía como solución, quedaría mas satisfecho.

Tu fiel amigo y el mas ferviente admirador de "El Nomada Urbano"
Sammy Hernández

Anonymous said...

I am not done yet!!! Rev Wright was right this Nation was build, created and founded by genocide, the blood of the Red, Black and other immigrants that worked to achieve the so called “American Dream”. Politics is based on strategies and Obama had no choice that to distance himself from those comments because of the simple reason that the majority can not handle the truth that racism and exploitation (just go to Wal-Mart at 12:00a and you will see what I am taking about) are the pink elephant in the corner of the room even if people like it or not. I mean what do you expected that Obama will give the Rev. a hug and then raised his “left hand in the air” and shout “Power to the People”. Let me tell you something about your “Man of God”; he is nothing but a snake in my book. Obama just distance himself from the Rev. comments. He did not attack him any other level but Wright went after him with a vengeance trying to destroyed Obama’s character and reputation. I mean Jesus did not slapped Peter in the face after he denied him three times. Oh no!! he didn’t.

There was an article on endi.com were a Cuban female on her mid’s 50 from Miami stated that she was very “scared” when she heard Michelle Obama statement “for the first time I am proud of my Country”. “SACARED” are you F… kidding me, scared of what of “putting white people to work on cotton fields by spring of 2009” or “building a subway from Miami to Havana by next Christmas”. This is exactly my point, if Obama pull this off is because he overcome adversity by been different, unique and by challenging the close minded ignorant people that have their head stuck in their … The Obama story is halfway done and even if I end up with my heart broke in November I am exited to be part of it.


Anonymous said...

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